Job 32 – Pastor Mac Daily DEVO

For I am full of words; the spirit within me constrains me. Job 32:18 – Elihu finally speaks. Who is Elihu you ask? Apparently he was another guy sitting with Job and Job’s three friends during this whole back and forth debate. He was much younger though than the other four in the room so he stayed quiet letting the older men speak as a sign of respect. Yet, after listening to the back and forth dialogue and seeing that it was going nowhere, and with the words Elihu thought should be said not being said, Elihu explodes with words and anger. He speaks for six chapters straight, not giving space for anyone to respond or speak. He has the longest speech out of anyone in the book, including God himself. Finally though, Job and three friends had something to agree on, this kid was out of line. Let us take note of how we speak, when we speak, and what we speak when we do speak up. We’ll touch on the content of Elihu’s speech over the next few days, but here, let us learn that sometimes stillness and silence are needed. Speaking up isn’t always the wisest option. This isn’t giving us an out when God is calling us to speak into a situation, it’s reminding us that sometimes God is calling us to remain quiet. If anger, lack of respect, or pride is the fuel behind the speech, it would be better to remain silent. Let us not tear down one another with our words or give our Savior a poor representation with our speech. Be willing to listen to the Spirit’s lead on such things. If He says speak, then speak. If He says be still, be still. Allow your habit to be a searching of His leading. I love you, but Jesus loves you more - Mac

Question To Ponder: When was there a time you spoke and you wish you didn’t say what you did?

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Daily DEVO 2657

Anna Spencer

Anna Spencer makes her home in the heartland. A graduate of the University of Kansas, she is a die-hard Jayhawk fan and has a degree in broadcast journalism. She has worked in television news, public relations, as a freelance writer, website designer, and social media consultant.

Job 33 – Pastor Mac Daily DEVO


Job 31 – Pastor Mac Daily DEVO